I just saw The Hunger Games. Not to worry, I'm not the ruining type so you can untwist your panties. I will say however that I enjoyed it and if I could go see it again I would.
The point of this post was not that however. My point comes from the idea of book to movie.
I love it.
I know people always say, "The book will always be better then the movie." but here's the the thing; You aren't looking at the big picture.
Maybe I'm just hopelessly biased, but I think I enjoyed the movie as much as I did the book. When done correctly (And I'll get back to that) the movie does something the book can not. A movie gives life to a book.
Yeah I know, some books are written so wonderfully that you get a lovely image and whatnot but hang on. An actors job is to bring a roll to life. I don't care how much you describe them, in my opinion they are simple wisps of imagination untill someone casts an actor.
Let me explain, if you were to ask me how I pictured Katniss before the movie, I wouldn't have an answer. Because when I'm reading, I picture the scene, yes, but the moment I stop it's like trying to recall a face in a dream.
Maybe that's just me though.
Now I said when it is done correctly. Which I suppose there can never truely be a CORRECT way because it's the director's own vision but really, when you kill off a important character that is in ALL THREE BOOKS, what the hell kind of vision is that? You call THAT making the book into a movie? (I'm looking at you My Side of The Mountain)
What I mean to say is, if your going to make a book into a movie, then stick to the book. I understand things will have to be tweaked and that's fine, just don't change the story.
If you are going to base a movie off a book you can be more liberal, just be sure everyone knows that it is not the book, it's BASED off of a book.
I said that you weren't looking at the big picture. I probably am just hopelessly biased, but what I was trying to say was this; If you think the book will forever be better then the movie then you are being unfair to the director.
The book came out first. The book was good and spawned a movie. You read the book. You like the book. You go see the movie.
So here you are, already having accepted the EXACT plot of the book, about to see the movie. Poor director. He had to change a few things for time reasons and budget and whatever. You Mr. Book's Better, see these tweaks as invaders in your beloved story and attack them.
I know. I'm guilty of it.
But when I watched The Hunger Games, I didn't judge the soundtrack, or the director's choice in how to film, I didn't mind the tweaks (Well except one but that was actually more of just a matter of opinion) I didn't care how the actors chose to say their lines.
I simply sat back and watched a world I'd only ever imagined come to life.
If you go into a movie thinking only of the book, there is no way you will enjoy it as much as you could.
If you go into a movie with all of this stuff I said considered (And I said a lot in a sorta weird train of thought) I do believe you'll enjoy it to the fullest.
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