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Just please let me know!


What is #MoreExcitingTweets you ask? The answer is quite simple.

The day was March 11, 2012. All day I had been making super boring tweets. Finally I noticed this tragic feat and so I did something desperate, I made a hashtag.

Since then I've been using #MoreExcitingTweets to spice up my timeline with exciting events, impossible stories, or even micro fiction.

This is a list. I'll have you know that in order to get this list I had to scroll back through several months of my Twitter...

  • Wrestling that liger today was pretty tough. He almost ripped off my arm!
  • Bungee jumped off the back of an eagle. I'd recommend it.
  • I can't believe the unicorn caught fire while we were jumping over the Grand Canyon! My pants nearly burned off!
  • I finally beat Tetris! I didn't even know that was possible!
  • I just highfived a walrus!
  • I was eating the sushi so fast that the friction of my chopsticks caused them to burst into flames.
  • I cut the blue wire. Nothing happened. ?
  • The force of the explosion knocked his hat off of his head and on to mine.
  • I filled a pool with cornstarch and water, resulting in a death trap...
  • I stared at the fly so long, with so much hatred, he burst into flames. Flys ignore me now.
  • The president called asking me for advice, I'd tell you what advice but that's a need to know thing.
  • Chuck Norris punched me. He regrets it.
  • I know all 23 flavors in Dr. Pepper.
  • I taught how to use a broadsword. Now he's a knight.
  • Snowboarding with Jesus tomorrow. Better check the weather...
  • also known as...METs?
  • @LeDunhamnator :
    This movie is weird. In more exciting news: pineapples. ( , (; ) (Yep. I'm not the only cool cat on twitter who uses #MoreExcitingTweets)
  • @Sexy__Cats :
    how does work?
    It's simple is used when you feel you've been making really boring tweets. Just say something fun and BAM!
  • I knew in that moment, that I was destined to rule the world.
  • I found a five-leaf clover. Right after I found a four-leaf clover.
  • In other news, today I watched a car hit a butterfly. Never knew what hit it the poor car.
  • Also, Three men walked into a bar, it later sued for battery.
  • You want to know why a pineapple is neither pine nor apple? I told it to be.
  • Domino's once delivered my pizza in under 30 minutes. It was free.
  • Guitar Hero told me I rocked...and I did.
  • I managed to swerve the bus just before we hit the old lady, saving her life and the lives of the passengers.
  • I removed the tag from my mattress.
  • His words didn't move me, I moved his words.
  • I told the lion to back off and he said sorry and moved out of the way of my safari jeep.
  • @LeDunhamnator :
    I could say goodmorning, but considering the time I won't.
  • And the Dinosaur King bowed down to me and agreed to be my twitter background.  (By the way that's what my icon is. The dinosaur king!)
  • I wear pumped up kicks. I feel no need to run.
  • I let the dogs out.
  • I walked into a room, meanwhile a baby was born.
  • My fever was so high, you could of fried an egg on my forehead. I wouldn't encourage eating it.
  • If you are going to spend the money to backpack through Europe...you might as well zipline.
  • I'm so glad the guy wasn't mad I took his zebra! I really needed it for the race!
  • The llama was happy with his new hair style. I was happy with my payment in gold.
  • I stepped out into the abyss, not a Starbucks in sight.
  • After being stung I raced to save the unfortunate bee.
  • The concussive force from the high five knocked over several bystanders
  • 2. It was surprisingly easy for me to sneak up on .
  • He screamed at me, begging me to save him as they dragged him away. I waved.
  • It felt weird knowing the man who made my sandwich was dead. And he forgot the mayo.
  • We became fast friends once I returned his wallet.
  • A dozen kittens and a panda cub just sneezed.
  • I wiped the sweat off my brow and added the clip, saving the world as I went.
  • At some point it became clear to them that I knew more then I let on. They ignored it anyways for their mind's sake.
  • @LeDunhamnator :
    I always read 's in this deep and calm voice, as if it's a breathtaking narration from a movie.
  • I didn't start the fire, but I didn't stop it either.
  • I would never recommend riding an Okapi, that is, until now.
  • I lied of course.
  • @LeDunhamnator :
  • I realized I was breaking the one and only rule, but it's okay. 61 NOTES ALREADY!!!  
  •  The giant smashed the apple in his large hand. "Applesauce" He roared.
  •  I bumped my shin into the table. "OW!" The table exclaimed. "Sorry." I replied.
  •  I bumped my shin into the table. "OW!" The table exclaimed. "Sorry." I replied.
  •  I dropped the annoying kid off... A cliff.
  •  I got tired of repeating "What?" so I just stabbed him in the gut and got it over with.
  •  "Well that escalated quickly!" Said the first person to ride an escalator.
  •  It was a shame I had to choke on the piece if meat. It was really good up to that point.
  •  I ended up not buying the van because it looked too "I want to steal your children" ish.
  •  I couldn't remember if the sign had always been white or the sky was just not as blue.
  •  I felt oddly conflicted as the waitress placed my new cup by my half empty one. To finish or not?
  •  I winced feeling my eardrum shatter. Angrily I told the guy behind me to stop chewing his popcorn so loud.
  •  Years later I would remember that I gave the wrong directions and the gas station was actually on the left.
  • Not sure what was more surprising, that my half brother was a politician or that he told the truth.
  •  They drank till their hearts were warmed and their cheeks rosy. I sat and froze cursing laws.  
  •  The bear took one look at me, one look at the steak, and ran off.
  •  "What do you have in here, bricks?" He asked taking the bag. Little did he know, it was actually filled with cats.
  •  I lay on my death bed and thought to myself, is Chinese food ever not relevant?
  •  "It's no big deal." He said taking the sword from my shaking hands. "He was going to die eventually anyways."
  •  All the sudden what the fortune teller had said made a lot more sense. I really should have taken the bus.
  •  It seemed a shame to let all those insults I had though up an hour later go to waste. So I started another fight.
  •  "I'm terrified of losing you" I whispered as my Wi-fi connection dropped to one bar.
  •  Once upon a time I was an avid user of Yahoo Answers...
  •  But the weird thing was the dragon's fiery breath was only lukewarm. Go figure.
  •  I can't step on butterflies any more without wondering if I just changed the entire universe.
  •  There is something really unappealing about a wet scarf.
  •  When hosting a dinner for fire-eaters, it is not a good idea to replace the water with lighter fluid
  •  The irony in her forgetting your name was that you were the reason anyone got anything at all.
  •  He gave $100 in pennies. He wasn't a fan but liked the idea of someone counting out all that change
  •  He tried to offer a helping hand at the bakery but he wasn't kneaded.
  •  I looked on in horror as she dumped the entire bag of cheese on her pasta. Swim season had begun...
  •  I'm not saying that it happened, but if you were to ask if it did I'd probably shrug sheepishly.
  •  I already knew her hometown, favorite color, and dream job, but I asked anyway to avoid being creepy
  •  My grandpa was a real rebel. I think that's the reason he lived to 108, just to spite Death.
  •  Cool guys don't look at explosions...but guys who love to admire a job well done do.
  •  "K". His friend glared at the message without a reply. He died because of a lack of potassium
  •  "I thought you said you were a doctor!" "I am. I have a PhD in horribleness."
  •  Sarah didn't care what a "divorce" was. But Suzy Foster's parents got one so she needed one too.
  •  And then the dish ran away with the spoon. Leaving the fork to raise the spork alone.
  •  I saw a ninja turtle balloon animal hanging out of the clown's trashcan.
  •  I don't like custard so it must have been the lights. I was drawn to Andy's like a moth to flame
  •  It was all fun and games until the clown's appendix burst like a balloon animal.
  •  I was pretty much convinced the story was a rip-off until my friend pointed out it was, in fact, the sequel.
  •  Every time I see you I want to say something. But the words get stuck in my head and echo all day long.
  •  It's not that he was being rude, but if he would have opened his mouth to say thank you, the frog would have escaped.
  •  The house was quiet and dark. If she wasn't the one robbing the place, she might have been scared.
  •  John didn't like stealing the laptop, but his fandom needed him and finales aren't for the weak.
  •  Life turned around when Bob realized time is made up so technically everyday could be Saturday.
  •  "We've done it sir, we've surgically attached a laser to a walrus."
  •  Tim didn't know what to expect when he hit the clown car, but clowns comically spurting from the sunroof was a surprise.
  •  "You look like hell!" "Jerk!" Little did she know, Hell was actually a very attractive woman in South Dakota.
  •  Fun Fact: Dragons prefer yellow over amber, but they loathe yellow-orange.
  •  Sarah could never tell if Mike was in love with her, or in love at her.
  •  Hallway bears are becoming a real issue. They need hall passes.
  •  Jimmy liked the company's Facebook page taking pride in that he was the first of his friends to do so.
  •  She was a fan of simple things. She liked clouds, fire, and the look of his eyes in the moonlight.
  •  He had a lot of fantastic ideas but the whole "Being a cat" ruined things.
  •  And as she felt herself make peace with the world, she grew angry she had nobody to share it with.
  •  He awoke in a panic, frantically checking the other side of the bed. He was okay. She wasn't there.
  •  The sky toke on such a magnificent shade of blue, she wondered why Crayola hadn't made it yet.
  •  Her mind had stretched the building to castle-like proportions. It did seem bigger on the inside.
  •  He visited the grave often but could still hear his ancient mother saying she didn't see him enough.

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Are you doing what I think you're doing? No? Just scrolling past?

I guess that's cool too.

It would be great if you like...commented though. It means a lot.

Just a quick hello or something, PLEASE????