Yes you. I have to tell you something REALLY important!

Okay, are you listening?

If you like my blog PLEASE let me know and PLEASE spread the word!You can comment, follow, tell your friends, strangers, tweet about it, link it in your Facebook profile, make flyers and pass them out, write the url in the sky with a plane, change your friends' homepages to it, have it tattooed on your face, send out a mass text, write a letter to your local congress, eat your vegetables, make a tribute band, start a chain letter, spray paint it on a building, spell it out with alpha-bits, use your wits to build a machine and brainwash the general public, make a trendy internet video, whisper it in a horse's ear, brand it on a cow, enslave the human race, make it your bible, tell it on the mountain, start a fan club, respect your elders, do a flash mob, call random numbers to tell them about it, make a piece of art using only posts from this blog, tweet it again, start a webcomic, make a board game, post it on reddit, signal boost on tumblr, make a t-shirt, start a cult, make a crappy flash game, write a book with an extremely similar situation, call your in-laws, spread it on the grapevine, stitch it in a baby's blanket, tell your kids, tell a little birdy, you know whatever!

Just please let me know!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

You Thought I Exploded Didn't You?

Well if you did, you weren't paying attention to that Twitter widget. Or the more likely situation, you weren't reading my blog.

Yeah as it turns out there was no bomb. Just a lot of terrible bomb puns. One of which was myself remarking how I was going to die in math class, thus going out with an algerBANG.

...I probably deserved to blow up for that one...

I'd blame the lack of updates on the musical but that wouldn't be fair. Yes I have been spending a lot of time working on the musical. No that isn't the reason for my blogging absence. I'm just really bad at consistently updating things.

Here. Have this picture

teen beach movie was fantastic don't talk to me

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bomb Threats and Dinosaur Faces

I don't really want to retell the tale of my my face got covered in dinosaurs and then spread around the internet.

So let's just say it happened. And I'm kinda famous for it.

That's really all you need to know.

You see actually I'm here to complain about the bomb threat at my school.

Yeah. My school is supposed to go sky high tomorrow.

To be fair, it was written on top or a urinal and so it likely to not happen. All the same, the building was searched all weekend and Monday we can only enter through two entrances. The logical part of my brain knows it's just a kid who wants out of school. Still, a part of me has run a million different scenarios that all end with a bang.

I guess it's just one of those things. I'll let you know if I make it through Monday. Although my failure to survive might be more due to Mondays in general than bombs...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Of Clones and Stick Figures

If you haven't watched Orphan Black,

Um...Why not? It's amazing. Go! I'll wait.




You back? Never left? That's cool. Whatever...

Anyways a few days after I finished Orphan Black I wondered if there was any way I could get involved with the fandom. I mean with Warehouse ending I just wanted to make sure I was a part of something else. My problem was, and always had been, I really don't have much to offer. I mean I can draw, but not people. I'm capable of writing but I really don't have the time during the school year. I was about to give up when an idea came to me.

In an attempt to reach out to the Warehouse fandom, I had created a blog called poorlydrawnwereherse. It was essentially comics made up of really poorly drawn stick figures. each comic had it's own little joke that would poke fun at the characters or the show. The fandom had really liked it but Warehouse fans are few in the grand scheme of things. Not to mention most fans are shippers and I have no ships in Warehouse 13. I didn't particularly prioritize the blog and it kind of fell to the wayside.

I figured Orphan Black's larger fanbase would probably like a similar blog. I knew I could get a large following but it would take some time and a lot of comics before that would happen. My eventual goal was to be featured on the official Orphan Black tumblr. With this in mind, I gave each character a stick figure equivalent, wrote a few comics and launched poorlydrawnorphanblack.

There were a few miscalculations however.

1. Orphan Black is a larger fanbase, that is true, but I didn't quite realize HOW large. The show averaged about 400,000 viewers an episode for the first four episodes and the numbers only went up from there. (The Renew Warehouse 13 online survey averaged about 4,500 viewers)

2. Despite it's massive size, The Clone Club is rather tightly knit. Meaning, stuff travels way faster than in the Warehouse 13 fandom.

Within the first 24 hours my little blog had 5 posts and 74 followers. As my tiny queue drained more followers trickled in to tell me their thoughts.

I figured it was a success and drew a few more comics. And then on the third day of the blog's existence I got a message. Essentially is told me to go check out the Orphan Black tumblr. Here is what I found.

I was beyond shocked.

I had made 17 posts at this point, this reblog was WAAAAAAAY ahead of my schedule.

Not to mention this was not JUST a reblog. It was a shout-out!

Suddenly I didn't have a hundred people to keep happy. The number skyrocketed. Not to mention the positive responses

started coming in


As days went by I got more requests in 24 hours than i'd seen in my entire YEAR running poorlydrawnwereherse! Here is the stats for the last month.

Tumblr couldn't handle all the new followers they should all be new.
Yeah. That graph is showing NOTES.

The followers are still coming in each day.* And the requests follow.

I had never anticipated such an amazing reaction to my idea. It's mind boggling.

I've officially deemed this my job, after school of course**, and I don't get free-time until I've worked on it. And I plan to work on it every single day. I may lose a little sleep, but for a fandom and a show this amazing?

It's worth it.

*In the hour or so it took to write this post I gained two followers
**Today was actually the first day of school. You might get a post about the first two days tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Three Hannahs and a T-Bird

I know a lot of people named Hannah.

That's not really surprising, Hannah isn't a particularly uncommon name. Most people know a Hannah. Most Hannahs know a Hannah.

But relatively speaking, I know quite a few people named Hannah. I'm only going to talk about three though.

I'm not going to bother with last names, heck, I haven't even mentioned my name on this blog so we'll just stick with Hannah.

In elementary school I knew a girl named Hannah.

She was extremely tall for her age. I think she played basketball too. For all purposes let's call her Big Hannah.

But Big Hannah wasn't really all that great at making friends. Most people didn't really hang out with her that much. At the moment, I can't remember why. But odds are she was annoying.

I'm not saying Big Hannah and I were best friends. We weren't even friends. I was nice to her when she talked to me, and she was...herself. When I left my regular school system to go to a special 5th grade, ended up changing my educational track for good.

I haven't seen her since.

I saw Hannah O yesterday. I saw her for the first time in months the day before that.

Hannah O is a volunteer at WOW with me. She also went to that special fifth grade I talked about, but she went the year after I did. Being from the first crop of volunteers is hard, most of the friends you made at the start are gone. Not to mention everyone is younger than you.

Thankfully there are always some good kids. I met Hannah O during a summer when I had a lot of freetime. We started an easy friendship and always managed to balance a good amount of work and fun. One day during a camp we made up a ridiculous dance routine for the kids. They didn't appreciate as much as we did, but it was still fun.

At one point her iPhone pass code was SWAG. I have yet to see if this is still the case.

Anyways, I got busy. Between swimming and plays I didn't have much time to volunteer during the school year. I forgot about Hannah O.

Monday I walked back into the animal room. I wasn't particularly excited about work, I had done a few programs last week and had found no one to really talk to.

Now, I should say no one was all that excited to see me either. I got a few "I haven't seen you in awhile"s and "Nice to  see you" comments. But I mean nobody was thrilled. Which is reasonable, since most were from the forth or fifth crop and didn't know me anyways.

But when I walked back into the animal room Monday, Hannah O was more than happy to see me.

And I was more than happy to see her. We hung around all that day, as well as the next.

I don't know if I'll be working much this school year, but if I am, I hope it's with Hannah O.

If there is one person I am going to be glad to see come school next week it's Hannah. (This Hannah doesn't need nicknames because she's Hannah. That's all there is to it)

I'll be glad to see a lot of people. But Hannah is going to be the person I resist tackling on the first day back.

Hannah and I met in drama.

You know how every time you enter a new group there is always one or two people you want to get to know? Hannah was that person. Lucky for me it was mutual. Pretty soon Hannah, Sasha*, and I became convinced we were actually the same person. At semester we all moved up to drama two together. We rocked the IMPROV club. We were unstoppable. Well until puppets anyways but I won't go there.

Hannah is one of the few people in this world I am capable of texting back in a timely matter. Hannah might even say I am a little too capable. (One time I walked away from Hannah and started texting as I walked away.)

Hannah may or may not be developing a biological need for wintergreen mints. This may or may not be my fault. She might also be in constant need of a back scratch. This is probably my fault.

One time Hannah fell asleep on me. Despite this she will not let me sleep on her, I figure it's gonna happen anyways.

Hannah also ties my shoes for me which is nice because I like making people tie my shoes.

I like Hannah.

In fact the more I think about things to say about Hannah the more I realize I will probably accidentally tackle hug her.

There you have it. The Hannah I never knew, The Hannah I almost forgot, and The Hannah I can't wait to see again.

*You guys know Sasha. I'm positive I've mentioned her a few times...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Throwback Saturday (I know that isn't a thing shutup)

I've been neglecting to tell you faithful readers a good story so let's go back in time!

The family is out on a roadtrip, since I was around two or three at the time I don't remember where. We stopped for gas and the majority of the car went to use the restroom. All that remained was me and my brothers, Matt and RJ. Matt was so engrossed in his gameboy I'm not even sure if he knew we had stopped. A minute or so passes and RJ says he needs to use the bathroom. (At least I'm 60% sure he does. It was a while back) He leaves and it's just Matt and I.

Slowly, the car fills back up. My Dad finishes with the gas, my sister and my mom come back bladders empty. We're all set to leave, so we do. We exit the lot and get back on the road. Innocently I ask...

"What about RJ?"

A quick glance in the rear view mirror shows a panicked RJ chasing after the van. Feel free to add a piece of toilet paper stuck to his shoe to enhance the image.

Thankfully for RJ, I remembered he exists. Also there was a lot of traffic so he probably could have caught us.

That's all I got for now!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Just one. I'm a few, no family, too. Who am I?

So let's talk Orphan Black.

If you're a regular reader than you know I watch a lot of television. You also know that every once in awhile I absolutely fall head over heels in love with a show. You also know that most of the shows I love are over. So with Warehouse 13 heading into it's final six episodes in 2014 I needed something to soften the blow. I found that something in Orphan Black.

Now I admired Warehouse 13 for several reasons, and one of those reasons is the phenomenal cast. What you say if I told you two thirds of Orphan Black's own phenomenal cast is one Tatiana Maslany?

I got 99 problems and they are all Tatiana Maslany. No really. You don't understand...
Orphan Black is a show about clones. Yes clones. The show follows Sarah Manning (Played by Tatiana Maslany), a small time con woman who is trying to ditch her old life to run off with her foster brother Felix and her daughter Kira. One fateful night Sarah runs into to a woman who looks exactly like her, before she can question it, the woman jumps in front of a train. Sarah sees this as an opportunity to pull off the last job she needs to get away.

She learns the woman's name, Elizabeth Childs (Played by Tatiana Maslany), and though on the outside it looks as if Beth had the perfect life Sarah learns the rabbit hole goes way deeper than she could ever imagine. As she digs deeper she meets Katja Obinger (Played by Tatiana Maslany) but she gets shot like right after she shows so who cares, Allison Hendrix (Played by Tatiana Maslany), and Cosima Niehaus (Just guess).

I haven't even listed all the clones yet but I think you get my point right?

So why should you be watching this show?

Well is the storyline about clones isn't cool enough for you then feel free to marvel how Tatiana can pour a glass of wine for Tatiana while Tatiana watches.

Maybe for some reason you don't think Tatiana is the most adorable little Canadian ever (Maybe Ellen Page is more your speed which I completely get so go read my last post)

Well there is Felix sass. A lot of it.

And if for some ungodly reason you still don't feel like giving this show your time well...WHY NOT?



Sunday, June 9, 2013

Beyond Needing

Hey! I'm back! Physical keyboard with clicky keys and all. Man it's nice to have a laptop let me tell ya...

Anywho, I just got to say it's a horrible time to be a gamer with no money. Because this is an awesome year for games. What with all the next gen consoles and last hurrah games coming out everywhere.

My main issue with this whole video game business is I never jumped on the next gen train. I mean, I've got a PlayStation 2, a Wii, and a DSi. Yeah they don't really make cool games for those anymore. I've been fine with that for a while. Steam is there for me if I want a game and I could always mess around on my brother's Xbox if I really wanted to. Of course all good things must come to an end, and they did by way of mail.

Enter Game Informer. My brother subscribes to it and it's always fun to flip around and look at games before he can actually read the thing. Normally nothing really catches my eye. I mean there was Skyward Sword and Quantum Conundrum but that was an easy fix.

It started with The Last of Us.

A super realistic zombie apocalypse with an ultra-rad adopted daughter complex going on?

Hell yeah.

It's unfortunately a PS3 exclusive so that dream was shot pretty quickly. I promised myself I'd keep an eye on it though. A few months later, however, The Last of Us crawled out of it's grave and this time it brought a friend.

So what do you get when you take Ellen Page, angst, amazing graphics, and a pinch of supernatural what-now?

Beyond: Two Souls

don't even look at me
Yeah they basically put everything I could ever want in a game...IN A GAME!

So what's the catch then? That's right. PS3 ONLY.

So I guess this means I'm going to move on then.

 No really...I can't afford this I need to move on...

I can't



Sunday, March 31, 2013

1 Bread and 1/4 Cup Fruit

So apparently bread is a standard unit of measurement? I was eating an apple turnover and there in the nutritional facts was this message:

Contains 1 Bread and 1/4 Cup Fruit

Which I thought was just kinda weird. In fact I would have written it off as a joke if I hadn't decided to examine my bag of pancakes later on.

Yes. You read that correctly. My bag of pancakes

Maple Bursting? I thought they were kinda bland...

Ignoring the fact that such a thing exists and what that says about society, there on the back was this

Contains the Equivalent of 2 Bread

So I guess that's it. Bread is a standard unit of measurment. Clearly.

Have your own crazy bread equivalent stories? Cool. Tell me 'em.

i know you are out there russian audience

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Relay Team

Swim season is officially over now that I've made my way to state and back. But in reality it's just begun.

You see, our little quest for state got me thinking...there just aren't enough swimming movies out there...

The idea came to me while at a swim meet. My relay team, two freshmen and two seniors needed to drop six seconds to make a state cut. We came from a school that was more about IB and academics then sports. It all just seemed like the plot to another "based on a true story" tale. So I figured, why not make it one?

I know, I have a million and one stories planned out but this is one that I really want to see soon. I lived it. I don't even have to stretch the drama much because we didn't even make a state cut till the last meet anyways.

So I'll write the book and pray it get's picked up by someone who see's it's big screen potential. And the second they do, I'll have a swim team to call up.

Because there is no way I'd want to see it without them.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thunderbird and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Collection of Events

Alternate Blog Post Title: A Series of Unfortunate Events

So I turned 15 back in January. I proceeded to break my iPod. And then a bunch of other kinda sucky things happened.

Dang it. This was supposed to be a really angry post. I'm too passive aggressive for this crap. I am Canada.

Today I spilled soda on my homework. Which really just...blergehgekjshdkashdk

That's alright though. I've got a pretty big ray of light shining through the clouds in that my relay made state!

Woo swimming!

I know what all you seasoned readers are thinking "Hey didn't you quit swimming like forever ago?"

Yes. But I was kinda sorta forced on to the high school team and well, as it turns out my competitive edge was never REALLY dull.

I will really attempt to update this blog more often...jeesh....