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Thursday, April 14, 2011


If you follow me on twitter you would have noticed this post last monday:

"Gahhh! My hand has been stabbed with sharpness! #Bleeding #INeedABandAid"
To make a long story short my hand got very well acquainted with a pair of scissors.
But this Blog isn't for short stories now is it? (That's my other blog http://hacks-r-me.livejournal.com/2010/ )
So it started normal enough, my friend Ben was atempting to cut a penny in half with a basic pair of safety scissors. Perfectly normal right? So the real trouble starts after I go and buy a chocolate muffin. I finished my muffin quickly and just like the lazy kid I am set about NOT throwing my trash away. Soon the whole table was batting around my muffin wrapper. Lo' behold the thing land in front of Ben. Ben naturaly goes to snip it with the scissors and guess what gets in the way? My hand. I just might have a lovely scar now.
So there. The first elaboration of Yo-Yo. One more to come.
Thunderbird is out!

1 comment:

  1. lol! There was no way I could not comment on this post. Orange and I have both tried chopping pennies into tiny(er) bits before. A tip for Ben's destruction: nail clippers have more power in them. Then again... don't tell Ben, you might lose a finger. ;)



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