Yes you. I have to tell you something REALLY important!

Okay, are you listening?

If you like my blog PLEASE let me know and PLEASE spread the word!You can comment, follow, tell your friends, strangers, tweet about it, link it in your Facebook profile, make flyers and pass them out, write the url in the sky with a plane, change your friends' homepages to it, have it tattooed on your face, send out a mass text, write a letter to your local congress, eat your vegetables, make a tribute band, start a chain letter, spray paint it on a building, spell it out with alpha-bits, use your wits to build a machine and brainwash the general public, make a trendy internet video, whisper it in a horse's ear, brand it on a cow, enslave the human race, make it your bible, tell it on the mountain, start a fan club, respect your elders, do a flash mob, call random numbers to tell them about it, make a piece of art using only posts from this blog, tweet it again, start a webcomic, make a board game, post it on reddit, signal boost on tumblr, make a t-shirt, start a cult, make a crappy flash game, write a book with an extremely similar situation, call your in-laws, spread it on the grapevine, stitch it in a baby's blanket, tell your kids, tell a little birdy, you know whatever!

Just please let me know!

Monday, April 30, 2012

My Personality Sucks

Don't get me wrong, I love me. I probably love myself more than most people.

...Re-reading that last sentence, I sound super narcissistic. That was not how I intended that to come off...uh...yeah...

No I mean when it comes to some things, my brain is a total scumbag.

For instance, my writing.

I probably spend seven times the amount of time thinking about writing then I do actually writing.

In fact, one time I had a really great idea for a story but I ended up only ever thinking about it. I actually wrote the whole story in my head.

That's what has happened with CPRB. Writer's Block...

And don't even get me started on homework.

Bleh, on a unrelated side note, I think I'm getting sick. I keep coughing.

Cool! Wait no, not cool. My big trip is Saturday.

Uh...body? If you're going to get sick, could you do it now and be done Saturday? Thanks...

Friday, April 27, 2012

No Civilities Please, I am a Great Idiot and We All Know it

I'd like to consider myself pretty computer savvy. I know not to accept those pop-up YOU WIN ads, if you get a message from the web page saying you have a virus you won't unless you click it.

All things aside, I was stupid.

I got a message on Yahoo Messenger, if i'd been using my logical brain, I would have done what I normally do, ignore it. But something compelled me to take this crazy link and search it.

The initial result was as expected, the link held no destination.

I did not foresee Smart Fortress.

Once Smart Fortress enters your computer it takes over. You can't do anything, no Internet, no applications, and especially NO SYSTEM RESTORE.

So, no laptop computer this weekend. Huge bummer but it's my own fault. My Dad will fix it Tuesday.

The title, by the way, is a slightly tweaked version of Sophie's World quote.

The original is "No civilities, please. You are a great idiot, and you know it."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Let the games begin...

Started RP with the Warehouse guys. So far so good, looks like this will be fun...

Oh my god. I love these people.


Oh dear...

In the same night I just joined two separate RP's for two separate shows.

So on my growing list of things ToDo tomorrow:

Jade blog
Claudia blog
The freaking foreign language thing
Watch the new Eureka I missed
Practice guitar

I bet I'll get about half of that done.

Oh and as an unrelated side note; I just put all of my family's dates of birth in my iPod calendar. I called them BURFDAY!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Idiom Idiot

I fail when it comes to sayings.

One time I said that something was in ship-shop shape. I have no clue why my head combined ship-shape and tip-top shape.

Today I was commenting on how my cat Gizmo was dry. This is the conversation I had with myself;

ME: You're just as dry as a bull!
ME:...No...Dry as a log?
ME: Dry as a creek? No...that's dumb...
ME: OH! Dry as a bone!

Dry as a creek?????? Yeah right.

And if I DO say it right I use it wrong.

So, because I like lists, here is a list of my wonderful fails

1. Ship-Shop Shape
2. Slept like a bull!
3. Dry as a creek
4. Dry as a log
5. Dry as a bull
6. Out like a lamp

There's more I'm sure. I am an idiom idiot.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Marriage Triangle UPDATE!

I haven't kept you posted like I said I would sooooo

Sasha and I got divorced and the Sasha and Connor started dating *for realz*

I think I might still be married to Connor and Sasha divorced him and re-married me.

This is just really confusing...

If you are totally lost you might want to go re-read the post Marriage Triangles and Zombies

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Healthy Living...

Me? Oh I'm in school right now.


Making a blog post in class isn't bad! We're watching a movie!

Anywho, I just want it on the record that I am attempting a healthy...er lifestyle.

There. Now when it crashes and burns I can only blame myself

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Summer Hating

Ah Spring, the flowers are blooming, the birds are hatching, the sun is shining, summer is on it's way!

There are however a few things I hate about these warmer months, problems that I don't hate with winter or fall...

In no particular order

1. Allergies
I don't have them, but my friends do. And it really sucks when they have to go to the hospital because they can't breath.
2. Bugs
I'm sorry, as much as I love you nature insects are very low on my favorites list. And they show up EVERYWHERE during Spring and Summer
3. It's soooo hot!
I hate it when it's hot. I love jeans and t-shirts, I can't wear jeans in summer. Also I love layers. Nope.
Then there is the issue of my room, which like to be a million degrees. Then I have to open my window and turn on the fan! I HATE HAVING MY WINDOW OPEN! Some may find it soothing to listen to the crickets chirping, because well...it is... But I hear cars too, and one time I heard somebody else and I thought I was getting freaking robbed. So yes, window opening sucks.

Those are my main warm weather peeves. Hope you agree with my rant...or something