1: What do you put on hotdogs?
Ketchup. Which I know is so wrong according to hotdog enthusiasts but I don't care.
2: Do you say "anticlimatic" or "anticlimactic"?
3: Do you check flyers before grocery shopping?
4: Blue, black, or some other colour pen ink?
Let me start off by saying I hate pens. When I use pens my hand writing just falls apart. But I used black and sometimes red.
5: Do you use your parking brake?
Does a cheese doodle?
6: Look to your left. How many framed pictures are on the wall?
None. I mean there is a Radioactive Chicken Heads poster, but it's not framed.
7: Do you know how to play chess?
No. Probably not.
8: How often do you clean the interior of your car?
When necessary.
9: Do you ever read the last few pages first?
...Yes. Sometimes I just read the last sentence. I used to do this with Goosebumps books a lot.
10: Ever fallen in the shower?
I don't think so...
11: On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to swear at other drivers?
3. I'll probably just use not to profound profanities though...
12: What's the worst thing you've ever called someone you care about?
Fat little bastard. Yes I am talking about my cat Sparta.
13: Do you have a Snuggie?
No. Sadly.
14: Are you allergic to anything?
Not that I'm aware. OH OH! I can't wear band aids, they irritate me skin so maybe there is a slight allergy there?
15: Do you have any TV shows on DVD?
Duh. I mean at the very least you should expect me to have Warehouse 13.
16: How many times do you hit the snooze button before finally getting out of bed?
Snooze buttons is for chumps. I just turn off the alarm.
17: Ever driven away in anger?
18: What's your favourite freezie colour?
19: Are you a vegetarian?
20: Do you have a garbage receptacle beside you? What's on top?
A trash can? Um...it's empty.
21: Do you cross out your mistakes or erase/whiteout them?
Depends, I tend to cross out more often though, even if I have an eraser.
22: Ever torn something up that you instantly knew was too important for such treatment?
23: Do you think that things will get better?
Oh man I hope, because things for me aren't so bad now. And on a larger scale we could use it.
24: Do you have an unpopular opinion? What is it?
25: What's your favourite quote?
"If it weren't for
Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of television, we'd still be eating frozen radio
dinners." - Johnny Carson
Close second goes to
"I wish there was, like, one day where cats had people arms so I could high five them and shake their hands and fist bump them." -Neil Grayston
In truth I don't have a favorite, but these are great...
26: Did you/are you going to go to prom?
27: What's the most physically painful thing you've ever experienced?
Well, I slammed my thumb in a car door by mistake once...and then the door locked...
28: What's the most emotionally/mentally painful thing you've ever experienced?
29: Have you ever legitimately saved a person's life?
Not that I'm aware...
30: What's your favourite book genre?
Crap if I know. Fiction?
31: Did you like "Gigli"? Be honest.
What? Hang on let me google that...
Wow. That movie has some looooow ratings. I don't know, never seen it. I probably would love making fun of it though...
32: Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre?
No but I wanted to during Julie and Julia. We RAN out of the theatre the second it ended.
33: Do you peek between your fingers during the scary scenes?
No I just look down so it's not in my direct line of sight. I do this with really sad scenes too. Anything I don't want to watch really.
34: What was your reaction to Tatum getting killed whilst stuck in the pet door in Scream?
Thanks. I haven't seen Scream because I'm not a horror fan and now it's ruined for me.
35: Do dogs like you?
Yeah...I guess.
36: Would you say that you project an air of authority?
Would I say? Hell Sandwich no.
37: Do people listen when you speak?
38: How are your elbows? Are they okay?
39: What is one thing that you do exceptionally well? Be honest.
Improv? Maybe...um... I can crawl like really fast. I'm like a baby cheetah, and by baby cheetah I mean a baby human that crawls as fast as a cheetah. I have excellent flight or fight response...
40: Do you use torrents?
Naw. There isn't anything I've needed like that.
41: When was the last time you paid for music?
Don't know.
42: Are you addicted to technology?
43: Pick a person (you don't need to give their name). How do you feel about them? Be as honest as you can get yourself to be.
I can't think of a person.
44: Do you check your computer's dictionary for the definition of words you'd otherwise feel confident about using during in-person interactions? Just to be sure?
Oh sure.
45: How heavily to you rely on spellcheck and autocorrect?
Not as much as I used to, it's more like a cane then a wheelchair now.
46: Have you ever gotten into an argument on the Internet? Did you win?
Yeah, and normally I don't try and win it's more of a reach a mutual understanding.
47: Do you pause movies/TV shows if you have to go to the bathroom or the kitchen, or do you just let them keep playing?
I normally go during commercials.
48: If you use a regular alarm clock, do you have it set to music or that obnoxious beeping?
Beeps. I don't think my alarm clock can play music...
49: Peter Pan?
Like the character or the peanut butter? I have no clue what you are asking me here. Uh...no?
50: How often do you fall up the stairs?
Not too often, but often enough.
51: Do you pronounce "anti" as ant-eye or ant-ee? (Example: "That scene was very anticlimactic.")
52: Do you pronounce "via" as vee-uh or vie-uh? (Example: "We can get there via Tremont Street.")
53: How often do you forget to close your parentheses?
I'm pretty good about it,but it still happens sometimes.
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