So I've taken a stand against trolls before, and now for some reason I've declared it my job to keep the Jori fandom in line.
Let me tell you the situation.
On Tumblr we have the lovely tag "Jori" filled with the posts of Jade and Tori and adorable.
But recently there has been a pairing brought into light on Degrassi.
Enter Jake and Tori. Or as they like to call it, Jori.
This is a problem and the fandom reached a tipping point when after several weeks of silence a para was posted between Jake and Tori by a roleplayer.
Yeah. It pretty much blew up. The next thing the roleplayer knew their inbox was flooded with anons telling them to get out of their tag because we were here first.
For a while I just sat here and watched as the tag was flooded with responses to the anons crude messages. I only stepped in when I saw the ooc post that simply said this:
I’m not responding to any more of these messages. You can’t harass me out of the Jori tag, so keep sending the anons, I could care less. If you don’t like it, scroll past. That takes a lot less effort then sending me anons showing your ignorance. In the Degrassi world, Jori is Jake and Tori. Grow up and deal with it. You don’t own a tag
Well I was quite aware that would solve nothing. Almost no one has settled and argument with "Grow up and deal with it"
And so I sent him a message, off anon, explaining both sides. He calmed down and then I made a post to see if I could stop the harassment.
All in all I must say, after I posted saying we need to calm down so did three other people.
To end this on a clichéd note, it only takes one person. All you have to do is stand up.
Yes you. I have to tell you something REALLY important!
Okay, are you listening?
If you like my blog PLEASE let me know and PLEASE spread the word!You can comment, follow, tell your friends, strangers, tweet about it, link it in your Facebook profile, make flyers and pass them out, write the url in the sky with a plane, change your friends' homepages to it, have it tattooed on your face, send out a mass text, write a letter to your local congress, eat your vegetables, make a tribute band, start a chain letter, spray paint it on a building, spell it out with alpha-bits, use your wits to build a machine and brainwash the general public, make a trendy internet video, whisper it in a horse's ear, brand it on a cow, enslave the human race, make it your bible, tell it on the mountain, start a fan club, respect your elders, do a flash mob, call random numbers to tell them about it, make a piece of art using only posts from this blog, tweet it again, start a webcomic, make a board game, post it on reddit, signal boost on tumblr, make a t-shirt, start a cult, make a crappy flash game, write a book with an extremely similar situation, call your in-laws, spread it on the grapevine, stitch it in a baby's blanket, tell your kids, tell a little birdy, you know whatever!
Just please let me know!
Yes you. I have to tell you something REALLY important!
Okay, are you listening?
If you like my blog PLEASE let me know and PLEASE spread the word!You can comment, follow, tell your friends, strangers, tweet about it, link it in your Facebook profile, make flyers and pass them out, write the url in the sky with a plane, change your friends' homepages to it, have it tattooed on your face, send out a mass text, write a letter to your local congress, eat your vegetables, make a tribute band, start a chain letter, spray paint it on a building, spell it out with alpha-bits, use your wits to build a machine and brainwash the general public, make a trendy internet video, whisper it in a horse's ear, brand it on a cow, enslave the human race, make it your bible, tell it on the mountain, start a fan club, respect your elders, do a flash mob, call random numbers to tell them about it, make a piece of art using only posts from this blog, tweet it again, start a webcomic, make a board game, post it on reddit, signal boost on tumblr, make a t-shirt, start a cult, make a crappy flash game, write a book with an extremely similar situation, call your in-laws, spread it on the grapevine, stitch it in a baby's blanket, tell your kids, tell a little birdy, you know whatever!
Just please let me know!
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Are you doing what I think you're doing? No? Just scrolling past?
I guess that's cool too.
It would be great if you like...commented though. It means a lot.
Just a quick hello or something, PLEASE????