I wasn't kidding when I said a flashback to some of my favorite posts sounded like a good idea.
Anyways, I've made a crap ton of posts. Some quality and some...not, but as with everything I have my favorites (Except MLP: FiM. I don't know who my favorite is.)
So here we have it, my favorite posts (In order of post date)
1. So maybe...
My third post I'd ever made. It's the first time I start to suspect that perchance I am a blogger after all. I also love how many typos and grammatical errors it has, it shows I've come a long way.
I still do that stuff, just not as often now.
2. Punny
Fourth post, and also the first time I pick a topic and just write about it. Plus, fish jokes!
3. Take 3
I just think that part with the Black chicks is funny.
4. 14 is a Number After a Lucky Number
The first of many mentions of my favorite show. I also continue acting like someone is reading my blog which I find amusing...
5. I'm a Bull in a China Shop
I like this post for a couple of reasons. One, I'm continuing with my title references. And two, it reminds me I need to make that list of 100 things I wouldn't want to be doing.
6. I'm on a roll...
The post following Bull in a China Shop. I just like it. Not sure why.
7. Arrrrrrr
I really love the conversations I have on Twitter with her. She recently got back into tweeting so here's hoping we have more chats like this!
8. The Geek in The Warehouse T-Shirt
The first mention of...THAT WORD, and also of Sax Carr: The greatest person since sliced bread...(what?)
9. Sharpness
And I still have that scar. It's my favorite scar. (I only have two scars...)
10. Nosy
I mean, I typed the whole thing with my nose. It's a proud moment for me...
11. Life is...
That first saying.
12. Dam Safety
Probably one of my favorite holidays...
14. Math
Why? Because I think it shows how much a complete dork I am. I complained on my blog and verbally enough for my mom to go outside I pull the stupid plastic out of the trash.
15. In which I pretended I was Jewish for several hours and the story of my being
I like this post. But the only reason it made my favorite is because I seriously don't remember what that other thing was.
16. First Impressions Are Everything*
It's a legitimately funny post. Which is rare. Also, the fact that it was almost "First Impressions Ate Everything" makes me chuckle.
17. Lessons Learned
I liked the concept of this post enough to make another like it.
18. Contented and Sammy Keyes
I love this post! (Not really, this is just an excuse to make you go read stories on my FictionPress)
19. Pride
I say a lot of words and they actually all make sense.
20. So
That is what I do when I'm bored.
21. Light and Dabbles(ugh)
I like this post, and at the same time I hate it because of it's use of a certain word.
22. Every. Fraking. Year.
It's a rather angsty post. I need to remember that next time I'm writing...
23. Say What?
I mean...I gave it it's own PAGE.
24. #AllisonScag4Cassie
I still believe everything I said in that post. Especially the part about Megan Fox.
25. Healthy Living
I know this post doesn't seem like much to you guys probably, but this IS my favorites...I just like it because not only was I right about crashing and burning but...I totally just made a blog post in the middle of Health and that makes me laugh.
26. Idiom Idiot
Because every single word of it is true.
27. They Found Two Bears
Mostly because I never did explain it or the one before
I don't plan on doing that now either. (:
28. Reflections
It's such a sweet little sappy post.
29. 100
It does contain the idea for this post after all. Also this line "I'd like to start it by thanking all the loyal reader that may or may not exist." Loyal reader... XD
30. So...
I actually really like a crap ton of my more recent posts but anywho, this post. The face...
In more recent times I made a collage of all the unflattering photos of me.
31. Tony
Probably one of my longest posts...man I love telling that story.
32. Changing*
And I did make a fort and it was awesome.
33. Think Think Think
My blog is like Warehouse 13. It gets better as it goes.
34. Lessons Learned: The Sequel
It should come as no surprise that this is on here.
35. Fancasting
Again, I say words and they make sense.
This post is funny and sad. Because I really miss my old phone...
37. Pine Trees
I ended up being correct about Mr. Know-it-all. The questions we were asked were "What is the temperature outside?" "How many cars are outside right now?" Stupid number things. I was also lucky enough to have a good group for our Team Improv performance. We weren't playing to win but...we totally would have.
38. Stuff, Bags, and Gender Profiling
The whole part where I accidentally said mech is just like an added bonus to it all.
39. Powerpuff, Parakeets, and Parkitcharlie
Good story telling here...
40. An Entire Week of Fun Smooshed into One Post
Because it was a ton of fun that's why.
41. The title of this post is extremely long just because I am curious to see just how long I can actually make it. Also, I talk...erm rant, about sunscreen.
If only for that title...
42. Thunderbird's Favorite Posts: Part 1
So yeah.
That ended up being more of a "These are posts I like."
Maybe in Part 2 I'll have them battle it out till we have an even top 10 favorite posts.
Anyways I leave you with this Dora moment.
Which post is YOUR favorite? Tell me why in the comments!
Yes you. I have to tell you something REALLY important!
Okay, are you listening?
If you like my blog PLEASE let me know and PLEASE spread the word!You can comment, follow, tell your friends, strangers, tweet about it, link it in your Facebook profile, make flyers and pass them out, write the url in the sky with a plane, change your friends' homepages to it, have it tattooed on your face, send out a mass text, write a letter to your local congress, eat your vegetables, make a tribute band, start a chain letter, spray paint it on a building, spell it out with alpha-bits, use your wits to build a machine and brainwash the general public, make a trendy internet video, whisper it in a horse's ear, brand it on a cow, enslave the human race, make it your bible, tell it on the mountain, start a fan club, respect your elders, do a flash mob, call random numbers to tell them about it, make a piece of art using only posts from this blog, tweet it again, start a webcomic, make a board game, post it on reddit, signal boost on tumblr, make a t-shirt, start a cult, make a crappy flash game, write a book with an extremely similar situation, call your in-laws, spread it on the grapevine, stitch it in a baby's blanket, tell your kids, tell a little birdy, you know whatever!
Just please let me know!
Yes you. I have to tell you something REALLY important!
Okay, are you listening?
If you like my blog PLEASE let me know and PLEASE spread the word!You can comment, follow, tell your friends, strangers, tweet about it, link it in your Facebook profile, make flyers and pass them out, write the url in the sky with a plane, change your friends' homepages to it, have it tattooed on your face, send out a mass text, write a letter to your local congress, eat your vegetables, make a tribute band, start a chain letter, spray paint it on a building, spell it out with alpha-bits, use your wits to build a machine and brainwash the general public, make a trendy internet video, whisper it in a horse's ear, brand it on a cow, enslave the human race, make it your bible, tell it on the mountain, start a fan club, respect your elders, do a flash mob, call random numbers to tell them about it, make a piece of art using only posts from this blog, tweet it again, start a webcomic, make a board game, post it on reddit, signal boost on tumblr, make a t-shirt, start a cult, make a crappy flash game, write a book with an extremely similar situation, call your in-laws, spread it on the grapevine, stitch it in a baby's blanket, tell your kids, tell a little birdy, you know whatever!
Just please let me know!
Yay, all the ones involving me and Julia made the favorites! :D