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Saturday, September 3, 2011

In which I pretended I was Jewish for several hours and the story of my being

Ok. I didn't really pretend I was Jewish. I just went to my friends Bat Mitzvah. Soooo...that doesn't really count at all.

In other Thunderbird related news...hang on, did I ever tell you why I am The Thunderbird? No? (Man answering my own question makes me feel like a kids program) Well then here it is:

I was at a swim dinner thingy and they were passing out the awards and I was real happy that my nick name was on it, when my mom mentions that she tells the people what name to put on the award. So I asked if she would put Thunderbird on mine next year. She said no, but I kept up on saying I was Thunderbird and now it's just stuck around with my friends and me.

So yes...I gave myself a nickname (HA! Take that whoever said you can't make up your own nickname!)

Anyways. Uh...

Well that was awkward.

Um. Well...I'll just make a seprate post for that...other...thing

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Me and my friends give ourselves our nicknames :)

    My friend Julie is Midnight.

    Karen is Shelly.

    I'm Sammy :) even though my real name doesn't even Come close.

    Antoinette is Anty...oh wait, I gave her that nickname. Ah well, three outta four aint so bad.


Are you doing what I think you're doing? No? Just scrolling past?

I guess that's cool too.

It would be great if you like...commented though. It means a lot.

Just a quick hello or something, PLEASE????