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Thursday, September 29, 2011

First Impressions Are Everything*

The first line of a story can be the difference between buying it or putting it back on the shelf. Here is a list of what I think are the most awesome first lines.

10. Carol enjoyed playing practical jokes.**
9. I can't take it anymore!
8. If only I had taken out the trash the first time
7. I hit the ground. Hard.
6. How many different names could there possibly be for a mental ward!?***
5. "Did you just say Jesus set you on fire?"****
4. It's not like murder was what I originally planned, that part just sort of...happened
3. I hate radio shows
2. Funny how it's never that simple when you're standing on the edge of the cliff
1. There was no doubt about it, the bird was following me.

*I almost accidentally posted this as First Impressions Ate Everything
**This is kind of a joke but it was something that popped up in a random first line generator
***As far as my knowledge goes 36 but that's a different blog post
****My friend once thought I said this what I really said was "Jesus! He set me on fire!" I was playing a video game...


  1. LOL. I needed to read something funny this morning, and that did it.


  2. Those are good ones, especially #10. Another favorite of mine is "Margle threw the bag to the floor and burst into tears."


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