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Sunday, March 31, 2013

1 Bread and 1/4 Cup Fruit

So apparently bread is a standard unit of measurement? I was eating an apple turnover and there in the nutritional facts was this message:

Contains 1 Bread and 1/4 Cup Fruit

Which I thought was just kinda weird. In fact I would have written it off as a joke if I hadn't decided to examine my bag of pancakes later on.

Yes. You read that correctly. My bag of pancakes

Maple Bursting? I thought they were kinda bland...

Ignoring the fact that such a thing exists and what that says about society, there on the back was this

Contains the Equivalent of 2 Bread

So I guess that's it. Bread is a standard unit of measurment. Clearly.

Have your own crazy bread equivalent stories? Cool. Tell me 'em.

i know you are out there russian audience