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Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I guess I'm not like other kids.

I mean, I'm obviously not. I'm freaking Thunderbird.

I just am saying there's like...very little verisimilitude in saying that I am*.

For example I have a lot of pictures of my charming mug on Facebook. And due to the fact that I am not Barney Stinson or Zeddie Little, most of them are not wonderfully flattering. Most recently there was a photo that was taken of me at a dance. Me and my friends all together and all smiling...well...almost all smiling. My face was...impossible to describe. I'd post the photo in question but, I suspect you are all out to get me in some way so I'll just post the only picture I could find that looked somewhat like it.

Like this, but with no wrinkles and eyes...sorta anyways

I guess the best way to put it, the most unflattering picture of just a face that can ever exist.

Now I suppose most other girls my age would get rid of it. Ask their friend to take it down. It's really that horrid. I didn't do that though.

I made it my profile picture.

The most unflattering photo in the universe, is my profile photo.

The only thing people can see of me, unless we're friends, is the most unflattering photo in the world.

Maybe someday I'll stop being a paranoid android and post the photo...not today.

*Come on...I just used 'varisimlitude in a sentence. Granted I tweaked the meaning slightly but still...not normal

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I guess that's cool too.

It would be great if you like...commented though. It means a lot.

Just a quick hello or something, PLEASE????