Yes you. I have to tell you something REALLY important!

Okay, are you listening?

If you like my blog PLEASE let me know and PLEASE spread the word!You can comment, follow, tell your friends, strangers, tweet about it, link it in your Facebook profile, make flyers and pass them out, write the url in the sky with a plane, change your friends' homepages to it, have it tattooed on your face, send out a mass text, write a letter to your local congress, eat your vegetables, make a tribute band, start a chain letter, spray paint it on a building, spell it out with alpha-bits, use your wits to build a machine and brainwash the general public, make a trendy internet video, whisper it in a horse's ear, brand it on a cow, enslave the human race, make it your bible, tell it on the mountain, start a fan club, respect your elders, do a flash mob, call random numbers to tell them about it, make a piece of art using only posts from this blog, tweet it again, start a webcomic, make a board game, post it on reddit, signal boost on tumblr, make a t-shirt, start a cult, make a crappy flash game, write a book with an extremely similar situation, call your in-laws, spread it on the grapevine, stitch it in a baby's blanket, tell your kids, tell a little birdy, you know whatever!

Just please let me know!

Friday, April 8, 2011


I didn't know what to name this post...

So rapid summary of everything remotly intresting that happened between now and my last post.

Got accidently stabbed (in the hand) with a sharp object

Made plans to go to DragonCon

Saw Seussical (school play)


Bought a Popeye shirt

Figured out a sex offender worked at my school

Met a new person

Was told I had pretty eyes (which was a little creepy...)

Changed my phone backround to the cover of a 'Sticker Fun Book of Dinosaurs'

So there you have it! And I may or may not elaborate on that other (more intresting) stuff later

Brb Q! (mmm ribs...)

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Are you doing what I think you're doing? No? Just scrolling past?

I guess that's cool too.

It would be great if you like...commented though. It means a lot.

Just a quick hello or something, PLEASE????