Yes you. I have to tell you something REALLY important!

Okay, are you listening?

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Just please let me know!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tickled A Light Shade of Red...

Before I begin, I'll need to introdu

(HA! Like that was going to happen! Allison-A)

(And Neil-N)

ce some people. Allison and Neil are my little review helpers...or something.

In any case they join me on telling people about their stories on FanFiction, it like a hook you know? A reason why they might prefer my review over another.

Anyways at the end of the day, I only hope my review amuses SOMEONE.

And wouldn't you know it, it did.

Hi, you amused me. I don't know why but i really liked A and N and you. (Sounding like a total creep, i saw your comment on a jori fic i like) and i would really like if you read my story, if u ever have the time. It is Jori :)
thanks for reading my message :)


Well ain't that just a tooting trumpet.

(A what?-A)

No idea.

So I replied essentially with "Thanks!" And then instead of heading off on our separate ways I got another message back.

Hi, i loved the review, I'm really glad you liked my story. The new chapter must be up this week (if my beta is on time x) ).

Hi A, Hi N, thank you guys for the review also :D

I have some curiosity about you guys. Can i ask some questions? Like, how old are you 3?

So not only did they find me amusing.

(They found us amusing too.-A)

Find US amusing, but they legitimately wanted to know more about me.

Well sheesh. I'm tickled pink.

Also...um...I guess since I posted this I should say...Feel free to send questions...

And that's a wrap!

Oh Wait! Quick side note! Season 4 of Warehouse 13 startes Monday!

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Are you doing what I think you're doing? No? Just scrolling past?

I guess that's cool too.

It would be great if you like...commented though. It means a lot.

Just a quick hello or something, PLEASE????